巴斯马英国学校(Al Basma British School)

  • 学校概况
Al Basma英国学校的学生接受一个充满活力,创造性,充满活力,学术挑战和鼓舞人心的21世纪教育,使学校的岁月充满了丰富和难忘的经历,为他们的生活做准备。每个学生的独特技能和才华在关爱和相互尊重的环境中得到释放和提高;促进韧性,自信,自尊和自我管理技能。Al Basma英国学校是一个健康,安全的环境,学生可以享受学习,进步和达到高标准。他们将被鼓励充分参与学校生活,并为学校和更广泛的社区作出积极的贡献,最终成为成功的,积极的,适应能力良好的成年人,实现经济福祉。我们将用这些结果来衡量我们的成功。
Al Basma British School students receive a robust, creative, vibrant, academic challenging and inspiring 21st Century education, making the schooling years an enjoyable time filled with rich and memorable experiences, preparing them for life. Each student’s unique skills and talents are released and enhanced in an environment of care and mutual respect; one that promotes resilience, confidence, self-esteem and self-management skills.Al Basma British School is a healthy, safe environment within which students can enjoy learning, make progress and achieve high standards. They will be encouraged to participate fully in school life and make a positive contribution to the school and wider community, ultimately becoming successful, motivated, well-adjusted adults who achieve economic well-being. We will measure our success against these outcomes.
省/州(state) abu-dhabi
国家(country) The United Arab Emirates
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)