奇卡尔学校(Cikal School)

年龄:Ages 3 to 18 学费:Not public 课程:IB and Indonesian 授课形式:English and Indonesian
  • 学校概况
  • 学校详情
Education at Cikal is about being successful in life, beyond schooling. It is about doing whatever it takes one child and one family at a time. Cikal program is bilingual and based on research of International Best Practice. Cikal implements Primary Years Program of IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization), a transdisciplinary curriculum which draws the individual disciplines together into a coherent whole, while preserving the essence of each subject.
省/州(state) jakarta
国家(country) Indonesia
课程(curriculums) IB and Indonesian
学校官网(website) 官网
外籍英语老师(native english teachers) The school does not make this information public
拓展课程(extra languages) The school does not make this information public
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities) Yes
校车(school bus) The school does not make this information public

班级信息(The classroom)

Do teachers assign homework to their students?
Approximate hours of homework given
Depends on the subject and grade level.

学校政策(School policies)

Uniform required
Entry evaluation for students
Test and interview
Brief description of entry evaluation required
Parents have to submit student’s psychological test result and join an initial interview with student and Principal. During the interview, all parties have to align their vision and mission in education. If the student moves from other school, parents hav
External examinations or assessments available
IB Diploma

学校扶持(Student support)

Yes, Cikal believes that inclusive school benefits whole school community. Cikal accepts student with special needs for each class. The number is usually 1 or 2 depends on each student’s and the class condition. Under the inclusion system, these students
Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs
Yes, Cikal believes that inclusive school benefits whole school community. Cikal accepts student with special needs for each class. The number is usually 1 or 2 depends on each student’s and the class condition. Under the inclusion system, these students

课外活动(Extracurricular activities)

Sekolah Cikal有很多各种各样的活动,或者用学校的叫法:Cikal俱乐部。俱乐部为学生提供了探索他们感兴趣的领域,扩大他们的经验和发展卓越的途径。社团是学生表达情感的媒介
Extracurricular activities or clubs offered
Sekolah Cikal has lots of variety of activities, or as the school calls it: Cikal Club. Clubs provide ways for students to explore their area of interest, expand their experience and develop excellence. Club is a media for students to express their emotio

关于学校(About the school)

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school
Education at Cikal is about being successful in life, beyond schooling. It is about doing whatever it takes one child and one family at a time. Cikal program is bilingual and based on research of International Best Practice. Cikal implements Primary Years
Sekolah Cikal旨在成为一个终身学习者的社区,旨在改变印尼的教育。它是一所以使命为导向的学校,所以Cikal基本上是为了完成使命而成立的。西卡尔强调个人的责任
Teaching approach of the school
Sekolah Cikal was designed to be a community of lifelong learners and aim to make a difference to Indonesian education. It is a mission-oriented school, so Cikal is basically established to fulfill its mission. Cikal emphasizes individual’s responsibility