MTK国际学校为2到17岁的孩子提供特殊的教育,提供全方位的学前教育,小学和中学教育。中小学,5 - 17岁(三个流):-国际教育在英语(东道国公民与强大的阿塞拜疆组件)-阿塞拜疆语言教育基于地方课程,用最少的八堂课一个星期用英语,俄语教育基于地方课程,用最少的八个英语课程一个星期
MTK International School provides an exceptional education to children aged 2 to 17, offering the full range of Preschool, Primary and Secondary education.For Primary and Secondary School, ages 5 – 17 (three streams):- International education delivered in English (with a strong Azerbaijani component for host-country nationals) - Azerbaijani language education based on the local curriculum, with a minimum of eight lessons a week in English - Russian language education based on the local curriculum, with a minimum of eight lessons a week in English
The Republic of Azerbaijan
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)