牛顿国际学校d -环路(Newton International School D-Ring Road)

  • 学校概况
Newton International School D Ring is a vibrant learning community with a warm and friendly atmosphere. Our mission is to provide our students with the best possible learning opportunities.Newton International School, D Ring has high behavioural expectations and strong values. Responsibility, honesty, pursuit of excellence, social justice, respect and co-operation underpin the school’s operation. As well as providing a safe and secure physical environment the school places significant emphasis on the well-being of the students, staff and parent community.
省/州(state) doha
国家(country) Katar
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)