国王学院的多哈(King's College, Doha)

  • 学校概况
多哈国王学院提供了英国最好的私立学校教育。通过与英国国王学院的合作,国王学院很自豪地将140多年来优秀的英国教育带到卡塔尔。我们将学术重点与广泛的合作课程相结合,为所有学生提供了一个延长和充实的一天,并非常强调学科专业的教学。学前班(3 - 4岁)到2年级(6 - 7岁)的学生受益于阿拉伯语、伊斯兰研究、音乐和体育专业教学。然后专家教学扩展到包括计算3年(7到8岁)和4(年龄在8到9)。然后和独特的卡塔尔,所有课都教学科专家老师从去年5起确保所有学生更好理解为每个主题的深度。为了补充我们的专业教学人员,学生们受益于整个学校的先进的教室和专业教学空间。
King’s College, Doha offers the very best of a British independent-school education. Through our partnership with King’s College in the UK, King's is proud to bring over one hundred and forty years of outstanding British education to Qatar. We combine an academic focus with a broad co-curriculum by offering all pupils an extended and fulfilling day and by placing a very strong emphasis on subject-specialist teaching. Pupils in Pre-School (ages 3 to 4) to Year 2 (ages 6 to 7) benefit from specialist teaching in Arabic, Islamic Studies, Music and PE. Specialist teaching is then extended to include Computing in Year 3 (ages 7 to 8) and Year 4 (ages 8 to 9). Then and uniquely for Qatar, all lessons are taught by subject specialist teachers from Year 5 onwards ensuring that all pupils gain a greater depth of understanding for each subject. To complement our specialist teaching staff, pupils benefit from state-of-the-art classroom and specialist teaching spaces throughout the School.
省/州(state) doha
国家(country) Katar
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)