宝石新千年学校- Al Khail,是一所现代化的、设备齐全的学校,为从幼儿园到9年级的学生提供高质量的印度课程教育,学校计划在连续几年里与学生一起成长到12年级。以迪拜和沙迦非常成功的千年学校为榜样,它为学生创造了机会,以优异的学业,发展他们的个性,创造力,价值观,个人领导能力和企业精神,必要的,以实现他们作为全球公民的全部潜力。从三年级开始,学生可以参加一个日间寄宿课程,这让他们受益于一个强化课程,包括信息技术,视觉艺术,表演艺术和体育。
GEMS New Millennium School - Al Khail, is a modern, well-appointed school that offers a high quality Indian curriculum education to students from kindergarten to grade 9, with plans for the school to grow with its students up to grade 12 in successive years. Modeled on the highly successful Millennium Schools in Dubai and Sharjah, it creates opportunities for students to excel academically and develop their character, creativity, values, personal leadership and the spirit of enterprise necessary for them to achieve their full potential as global citizens. From grade 3 onwards, students can participate in an optional day-boarding programme, which allows them to benefit from an enhanced curriculum that includes IT, visual arts, performing arts and sport.
The United Arab Emirates
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)