地平线国际学校(Horizon International School)

  • 学校概况
地平线国际学校(前身是明星国际学校Umm Sheif)是一所建立多元文化的学校,遵循早期的基础阶段和英国国家课程。地平线国际学校的氛围完全以学生为中心,强调社区精神和家庭价值。他的目标是在一个愉快的学习环境中,为学校照顾的学生提供一个高质量的教育体验,安全和培养。
Horizon International School (formerly Star International School Umm Sheif) is an established multicultural school that follows the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum of England. The atmosphere at Horizon International School is totally student focused with a strong emphasis on community spirit and family values. HIS aims to deliver a high quality educational experience within an enjoyable learning environment that is safe and nurturing for the students in the school's care.
省/州(state) dubai
国家(country) The United Arab Emirates
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)