Repton School is an innovative international school which has a very strong and distinctly British flavour based on the 450 year history of our sister school in the UK.Repton espouses the notion that every child is important. Repton is a large school, but within it every child is cherished, nurtured and prized for their individuality.We offer the best in British education, within the context of an international boarding community, and epitomised by the school’s philosophy of ‘the best for every child’.We are proud of both our 21st century international nature and of the traditions and core values which have been derived from our partnership with Repton in Derbyshire, England. Repton School’s 450 year history has enabled it to develop a mature and effective school; we are fortunate to have been able to draw on the educational knowledge and expertise from our sister school and thus combine the very best of the new with the very best of the British educational system.With state of the art, modern facilities and amenities, Repton School is situated on a spacious campus of 1.3million sqft, making it the largest school in the region. Pupils aged between three and eighteen years benefit from an English independent school curriculum that incorporates elements of the English National Curriculum.Our clear aim and purpose is to provide the best teaching and learning environment in which all our pupils will achieve their very best academically, physically and socially. By working closely with all our parents we will together help to develop young people who will have all the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly changing, highly competitive and global society.Our international location gives our pupils greater selection in their tertiary education. To meet these opportunities, we have staff and resources to assist our pupils in exploring their options in global education.Whilst excellence is pursued, Repton espouses the notion that every child is important. Repton is a large school, but within it every child is cherished, nurtured and prized for their individuality. An exceptionally wide range of opportunities allows every child to find those things he or she will excel at and the superb facilities give the children the chance to develop those talents. Our approach to motivating and getting the best out of our pupils is based on the belief that praise and encouragement lead to confidence. This confidence is then realised in academic success and the proliferation of a happy, caring community where good behaviour, excellent manners, enthusiasm and a love of learning are the norm.We aim to give all our pupils the educational tools to succeed in whatever field they choose to further their path of learning. Through our encouragement of achievement and, equally important, independence of thought as well as action, pupils will develop a sense of personal responsibility and readiness for the demands of a rapidly changing world.
The United Arab Emirates
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)