地平线学校是迪拜一所非选择性的私立学校。面向3 - 11岁的国际学生提供英式课程教育。自1992年成立以来,Horizon作为一所关心他人的学校,已经建立了丰富的传统。Horizon将孩子培养成善良、富有创造力、宽容和热情的学习者,让他们有机会在今天取得成功,同时为未来的复杂局面做好准备。Horizon具有挑战性和严格的学术期望,在一个包容的环境中,发现、欣赏和共同克服学习障碍。Horizon旨在培养未来的领导者,让孩子们有机会进行创新、批判性反思、合作,并对自己的学习过程和结果拥有自主权。
Horizon school is a non-selective, private school in Dubai. It provides British curriculum education for international students aged between 3 and 11 years old.Since its formation in 1992, Horizon has established a rich tradition as a school that cares. Horizon develops its children into kind, creative, tolerant and passionate learners, who are given the opportunity to succeed today, whilst being prepared for the complexities of tomorrow. Horizon has challenging and rigorous academic expectations, in an inclusive environment where barriers to learning are identified, appreciated and overcome together. Horizon aims to develop the leaders of the future, by surrounding children with opportunities to innovate, critically reflect, collaborate and take ownership of their own learning processes and outcomes.
The United Arab Emirates
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)