意大利高中(Liceo Italiano)

年龄:Ages 14 to 18 学费:Not public 授课形式:Italian
  • 学校概况
  • 学校详情
Liceo Italiano是一所位于伊斯坦布尔的意大利国际学校。
Liceo Italiano is an Italian international school in Istanbul.
省/州(state) istanbul
国家(country) Turkey
学校官网(website) 官网
外籍英语老师(native english teachers) The school does not make this information public
拓展课程(extra languages) The school does not make this information public
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities) The school does not make this information public
校车(school bus) The school does not make this information public

关于学校(About the school)

Liceo Italiano是一所位于伊斯坦布尔的意大利国际学校。
Qualities and characteristics best defining the school
Liceo Italiano is an Italian international school in Istanbul.