Al Noor国际学校提供严格的K-12教育,以个人关注为特征,由学生、家长、教师、管理人员和受托人组成的紧密联系、有才华和多样化的社区,所有人都在“学习者”的转变中合作。“Al Noor国际学校是沙特阿拉伯利雅得市最好的学术机构之一,在这里,来自各行各业的所有学习者都可以获得高质量和变革式的教育。考虑到其多样化的民众,Al Noor满足各种参与和思维激励学术和非学术方面的教育,以提高学生追求他们的生活目标的动机。Al Noor为今天的读者,明天的领袖做准备。
Al Noor International School provides a rigorous K-12 education that is marked by individual attention and by a close-knit, talented, and diverse community of students and parents, teachers and administrators and trustees, all collaborating in the transformation of “learners.” Al Noor International School is one of the finest Academic Institution in Riyadh City, KSA, where quality and transformative education is accessible to all leaners from different walks of life. Considered in its diverse populace, Al Noor caters variety of engaging and mind stimulating academic and non-academic facet of education to enhance student’s motivation to pursue their goals in life. Al Noor prepares Today’s Reader ,Tomorrow’s Leaders.
Saudi Arabia
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
The school does not make this information public
拓展课程(extra languages)
The school does not make this information public
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
The school does not make this information public
校车(school bus)
The school does not make this information public
学校政策(School policies)
Entry evaluation for students
Interview and screening test
Brief description of entry evaluation required
New students will undergo an interview with the school’s Academic Manager before being accepted. And in some cases the student will be asked to undergo a screening test to determine his/her eligibility.
关于学校(About the school)
Al Noor国际学校提供严格的K-12教育,以个人关注为标志,由学生、家长、教师、管理人员和受托人组成的紧密联系、有才华和多样化的社区,所有人都在transfo合作
Qualities and characteristics best defining the school
Al Noor International School provides a rigorous K-12 education that is marked by individual attention and by a close-knit, talented, and diverse community of students and parents, teachers and administrators and trustees, all collaborating in the transfo