乌干达国际学校(International School of Uganda)

  • 学校概况
乌干达国际学校(ISU)成立于1967年,是一所男女同校的日制学校,位于卢博瓦(Lubowa)宁静的坎帕拉(Kampala)社区33英亩的绿色校园。ISU是一所家长所有的非盈利学校,为3到19岁的学生提供国际学士学位(IB)课程。大约有520名学生,来自50多个不同的国家,创造了一个具有文化活力和协作的学生群体,多种语言和习俗。ISU是国际文凭组织(International Baccalaureate)授权的提供小学、中学和文凭课程的学校,是全球236所学校之一。ISU还获得了美国中部州学院和学校协会和国际学校理事会的认证,这两个著名的国际认证组织。
The International School of Uganda (ISU), established in 1967, is a co-educational day school located on a green 33-acre campus in the quiet Kampala neighbourhood of Lubowa. ISU is a not-for-profit, parent-owned school, offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes for students 3 to 19 years old. Enrolment is approximately 520 students representing over 50 different nations, creating a culturally dynamic and synergistic student body with many languages and customs.ISU is authorised by the International Baccalaureate to offer the Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programmes, one of 236 schools worldwide. ISU is also accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools in the United States and the Council of International Schools, two prestigious international accreditation organizations.
省/州(state) kampala
国家(country) Uganda
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)