拉各斯荷兰国际学校(The Netherlands International School Lagos)

  • 学校概况
荷兰拉各斯国际学校是维多利亚岛的一所非营利性小型小学,气氛友好。NISL位于尼日利亚拉各斯前荷兰领事馆住宅区的黄金地段。在NISL, 20个月至11岁的孩子用荷兰语和英语学习荷兰语、英国语和国际小学课程。我们欢迎所有国籍、宗教和文化背景的儿童,我们庆祝多样性;事实上,不成为一所信仰学校有助于我们学习和拥抱所有的信仰。我们是一所以社区为基础的学校,有一个开放的方法和强大的家校关系。
The Netherlands International School Lagos is a non-profit small-scale primary school in Victoria Island with a friendly atmosphere. NISL is located in a prime spot in the former Dutch Consulate residential compound in Lagos, Nigeria. At NISL, children aged 20 months to 11 years old are taught the Dutch, British and International Primary curriculum in Dutch and English languages. Children of all nationalities, religion and cultural background are welcome and we celebrate diversity; not being a faith school in fact helps us to learn about and embrace ALL beliefs. We are a community based school with an open door approach and strong home-school relations.
省/州(state) lagos
国家(country) Nigeria
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)