Lycee Francais International de Bangkok是一所位于曼谷的法国国际学校。学校为1到5年级的学生提供可选的双语课程。LFIB成立于1957年。起初,它只是大使馆里的一所小学校。今天的学生人数大约有1100名学生,从幼儿园一级到高中终点的最后一级。LFIB双网络的一部分:在本地是泰国国际学校协会的成员(成绩测试标准),国际的一部分AEFE(法国学校国外机构),一个独特的网络学校聚集了大约167个国家的500所学校共同理想学校的法语。
Lycée Francais International de Bangkok is a French international school in Bangkok. The school offers optional bilingual classes for grades 1 to 5.The LFIB was created in 1957. In the beginning it was a small school in an embassy. Today the studentbody is approximately 1,100 students from the first kindergarten level Petite Section to the last level in high school Terminale. The LFIB is part of a double network: locally it is a member of the International Schools Association of Thailand (ISAT) and internationally it is part of the AEFE (Agency for French Schools Abroad), a unique network of schools which gathers about 500 schools from 167 different countries around the common ideal of a school à la Française.
外籍英语老师(native english teachers)
拓展课程(extra languages)
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities)
校车(school bus)