据渥太华,2021年2月12日 —— 国际留学生每年为加拿大的经济贡献超过近210亿美元,对于当地社区的运作有着至关重要的支持。然而,疫情使国际留学生们面临着巨大的挑战,所以加拿大政府也决定采取各种措施来帮助留学生度过现在这一困难时期,其中包括为那些持有或曾持有毕业后工签 (PGWP)的国际学生提供开放性工作签证。

——来自: 加拿大移民,难民,公民部


作为政府大力支持留学生工作的一部分,加拿大移民部部长Marco ELMendicino今日宣布将进一步采取一系列措施,以确保疫情不影响留学生毕业后择业。鉴于大部分留学生仍须在加拿大境外持续数月进行线上学习,政府将延长并扩展在疫情初期出台的毕业后工签 (PGWP)计划以进行临时的调整。



政府已作出了巨大努力,鼓励留学生长期定居加拿大。由于留学生们具有较强的工作能力和语言能力,再加上在加拿大的教育和工作经历,因此留学生在申请永久居民的身份方面通常具有优势。2019年,超过5.8万名毕业生成功获得加拿大的永久居民签证,并且他们决定留 在加拿大也有助于加拿大政府应对严峻的人口问题。

目前,加拿大正在遭受第二波疫情的冲击,政府正在制定对于经济复苏的方针。因此,吸引技术移民是整个计划的核心部分。新政策将帮 助更多毕业生满足医疗、科技等领域的迫切需求。从长远来看,也将帮助更多往届的留学生扎根加拿大,为加拿大的短期复苏和长期繁荣 作出或多或少的贡献。


Quotes 摘引

“Whether as health workers on the pandemic’s front lines, or as foundersof some of the most promising start-ups, international students are givingback to communities across Canada as we continue the fight against thepandemic. Their status may be temporary, but the contributions ofinternational students are lasting. This new policy means that studentshoping to work in Canada after graduation won’t miss out onopportunities, while ensuring that Canada meets the urgent needs of oureconomy for today and tomorrow. Our message to international studentsand graduates is simple: We don’t just want you to study here, we wantyou to stay here.”

—The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P., Minister ofImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship



—加拿大移民部部长Marco EL Mendicino

Quick Facts 快讯

In 1971, there were 6.6 people of working age for each senior.There are currently 3 Canadian workers for every retired Canadian,but by 2035, there will be only 2 workers for every retiree. Withoutimmigrants to help support the needs of an aging population,younger Canadians will end up paying more per person to providethe same benefits.



· These measures apply to all international students who这些措施适用于符合下列条件的所有留学生:

○  are enrolled in a PGWP-eligible program已就读PGWP相关课程

○  began, or will begin, a program in any semester from spring2020 to fall 2021, or whose program was already in progressin March 2020


○  have a study permit or approval for a study permit, orapplied for a study permit prior to starting their program andare eventually approved


○meet all other PGWP criteria





国内 IB学校  IB 35分、IELTS  总分7分, 单科6.0 
