MAR Central Banking and Financial RegulationPGA Career-related LearningPGA Organisations and Labour MarketsPGA Working Therapeutically with Children/Young PeoplePGA Critical Care: Advanced Emergency PracticePGA: Critical Care: Pre-hospital Special Incident ManagementMSc Economics and Data ScienceMSc Human Resource Management and Employment RelationsMPhil/PhD Interdisciplinary MathematicsPhD Mathematics and StatisticsPG Cert The Principles of OrthodonticsPhD Interdisciplinary Studies(Joint PhD with Monash)MPhil/PhD, PhD Social Policy and Social WorkMSc Clinical Applications pf PsychologyMPhil/PhD, PhD Creative Producing and Arts ManagementMA Arts, Enterprise and DevelopmentMA Playwriting and Adaptation: Stage, Screen and BeyondPhD Open Professional StudiesMPhil/PhD Adult Education and Lifelong LearningPG Cert Big Data and Digital Futures PG CertMA Literary Translation StudiesMPhil/PhD Finance and EconometricsMSc e-Business managementMSc Supply Chain and Logistics Management华威大学WMG学院将于2021年4月17日(周六)举办一个关于“创业思维”的线上研讨会。欢迎对创业感兴趣的同学,特别是对华威大学 MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship专业感兴趣的同学参加该活动。活动预约地址:https://events.bizzabo.com/309102
LLM in Environmental Law and Policy (Research) 2021年入学暂停开放,推荐替换专业为LLM Law and Society (Legal Research).
Medicine and Surgery (A100 and A101)
Dental Surgery (A206)
Oral and Dental Health Sciences (A207)
Dietetics (B401)
Speech and Language Therapy (B621)
Master of Speech and Language Sciences (B62M)
Business, Accounting and Finance (NN14)
雷丁大学MSc Theory and Practice in Clinical Psychology with CLINICAL Placement硕士专业关闭2021年入学申请,但申请者仍可申请该专业的Research Placement 项目。
MA International Music Management
MMus Music Education
MMus Music Performance
会计金融硕士专业MSc Financial Economics 专业于4月15日关闭国际学生申请。
巴斯大学2022年秋季开始,本科将新开设 Physics with Theoretical Physics专业和Structural and Architectural Engineering BEng and MEng专业,不再开设Civil and Architectural Engineering本科专业。
巴斯大学将在2021年8月2日到8月6日期间举办线上夏校,面向中学12年级(或同等水平)学生,夏校包括五个课程领域,全程免费,完成学习将有机会获得巴斯大学本科guaranteed conditional offer。
PGCE - Secondary (Mathematics)MSc Management and Information Systems: Change and DevelopmentMA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education以下课程即将关闭2021入学申请,有相关申请请尽早递交,具体以UCAS系统为准。BAECon Accounting and FinanceBAEcon Development StudiesBA Development Studies and Social StatisticsBAEcon Economics and FinanceBAEcon Economics and PhilosophyBAEcon Economics and PoliticsBA Economics and Social StatisticsBA Economics and SociologyBSocSc Politics and International RelationsLLB Law with International StudyBA Criminology with International Study
萨塞克斯大学鉴于疫情对学习的影响,2021年9月入学的大部分本科和硕士研究生课程的直入语言要求为雅思总分6.0,单项不低于5.5 (或同等资质)。
不再接受使用多邻国成绩作为英语成绩的申请,已经录取的学生不受影响。公共健康硕士专业 MSc Public Health 下学年的开学日期更改为2022年1月,下下学年的开学日期仍为2022年9月。