

Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.


1.    建立一些你的核心价值;

2.    解释你当初为什么选择现在的学校


3.    你想离开目前学校的理由;

4.    你在目前(不够理想)的情况下


5.    你想学习什么?


6.    概述新学校(你想转学的学校)将


7.    简短且令人难忘的结尾。




Before I could even walk, my parents instilled in me a love for history. And thanks to their passion for travel, much of my early education was experiential. At eight, I could not only recite knowledge of Corrie Ten Boom, I'd visited the house where she'd hidden Jews in her home during WWII. By 10 I’d seen the Roman Ruins just outside Paris and by 11, I’d visited Rome and Florence, and begun to develop a passion for Michelangelo. By 14 I’d climbed the caverns of Mykonos and by 16 I’d walked barefoot through India and jogged along the Great Wall of China.

[翻译] 在我走路之前,我的父母就向我灌输了对历史的热爱。并且由于他们对旅行的热情,我的大部分早期教育都是有各种经历的。在八岁的时候,我不仅能背诵Corrie Ten Boom的知识,还参观了她在第二次世界大战期间将犹太人藏在家里的房子。10岁时,我已经看到了巴黎郊外的罗马废墟;11岁时,我已经访问了罗马和佛罗伦萨,并且开始对米开朗基罗产生了热情。14岁时,我爬了米科诺斯岛的洞穴;16岁时,我赤脚穿过印度,沿着中国的长城慢跑。

Though moving around wasn’t always easy, travel gave me the opportunity to become more adaptable and resourceful, and I came to embrace differences as not only normal but exciting. My passion for cultural experiences and history continued in high school, and I looked forward to more experiential learning opportunities in college.

[翻译] 尽管出行并不总是那么容易,但是旅行给了我机会,我变得更加适应和足智多谋,而且我开始拥抱差异,这不仅是正常的,而且是令人兴奋的。我对文化经验和历史的热情一直在高中时期继续,我期待着在大学中获得更多体验式学习机会。

文书第一段要给招生官留下良好的第一印象,很有效的方式就是陈述出对你来说很重要的核心价值,并且这些价值需要可能在目前的学校没有被满足。例文中作者指出了三个对她来说重要的价值:experiential learning,multiculturalism,embracing differences.



One of the things that initially attracted me to Biola University was the Torrey Honors program. I also appreciated the welcoming attitude of its students, and, initially, its emphasis on Judeo-Christian values. But the past year and a half has given me time for introspection, and I have begun to see that Biola and I are not the best match.

[翻译] 最初吸引我进入比奥拉大学的一件事是托里荣誉课程。我也赞赏其学生的热情态度,以及最初对犹太教-基督教价值观的重视。但是过去一年半给了我一些自省的时间,我开始看到我和比奥拉并不是最合适的人。




I believe, for example, in the freedom to express love for whomever one chooses. But on at least one occasion at Biola I’ve been reported to my resident director for displaying physical affection toward another girl and have been told I could risk expulsion if we were “caught” in the act. I also believe that one should be free to express her spiritual beliefs in any way she chooses. At Biola, however, students are required to attend a minimum of 30 chapel events, and must pay upwards of $300 if this requirement is not met. I’m also interested in a diversity of perspective, but faculty are required to teach through a Biblical lens, and over 90% of the students in my department (Anthropology) are seeking to do missionary work following graduation. Finally, I didn’t feel the Torrey Honors Program provided the kind of experiential learning environment I was looking for.

[翻译] 我相信,例如,人有自由表达对任何人的爱权利。但是,至少有一次我在比奥拉上我因为对另一个女孩表现出身体上的感情,而被举报给我校的常驻董事,并被告知如果我们被“逮到”,我可能会被驱逐出境。我也相信,人们应该以自己选择的任何方式自由表达自己的精神信仰。但是,在比奥拉,学生必须参加至少30场小教堂活动,如果不满足此要求,则必须支付300美元以上的罚金。我对各种派系观点都很感兴趣,但是教师必须通过圣经的眼光来教授知识,而且我系(人类学)的学生中有90%以上都正在寻求毕业后进行宣教工作。最后,我觉得托里荣誉课程没有提供我想要的那种体验式的学习环境。

用合理的理由向学校解释你之前“错误”的选择。你可以描述你的期望,然后让读者知道你这些期望是如何在曾经的学校不被满足的,用具体的事例来支持你的理由。或者你经历了一些a-ha moment,让你突然了解到了自己真实的需要



Two highlights of my time at Biola included debate, and the experience of founding BQU, a safe, but underground group for queer students. Working with the debate team has taught me how to be accountable for my own work and more humble in my losses. Working with BQU has shown me not only the necessity of being vulnerable with others, but has also taught me skills in creating a group constitution, designing a website, and advertising our cause in a non-inflammatory way.

[翻译] 我在Biola期间所经历的两个亮点包括辩论,以及建立BQU的经验,BQU是一个安全但非官方的酷儿团体。与辩论小组的合作教会了我如何对自己的工作负责,如何使自己的损失更谦虚。与BQU的合作不仅向我展示了与他人相处脆弱的必要性,还向我教会了以非煽动性的方式创建团体章程,设计网站和宣传我们的事业的技能。

在你等待(或决定之前)填写转学申请时,你是如何充分利用并不让人满意的情况来提高自己的呢? 你需要重新思考高中毕业后的经历(即使困难重重),你做了什么来迎接在新学校的美好的未来呢?也许你参与了很有趣的学生社团,也许你结识了对你影响重大的教授,也许你运用学校的资源自学了很多课程,等等。

5. 想学什么和未来的目标

I’ve always been interested in psychological or environmental root of motives, and I see myself one day working in public policy. I’m seeking science and social science departments that offer both excellent research facilities and opportunities for practical application.

[翻译]  我一直对动机的心理或环境根源感兴趣,而且有一天我会从事公共政策工作。我正在寻找科学和社会科学部门,这些部门既要提供出色的研究设施,又要提供实际应用的机会。


6.迷你的“Why School”

I am interested in the debate team at Fordham because its Jesuit tradition inspires an intellectually rigorous environment. While my current team is very skilled, it does not fulfill my intellectual values; I want classmates who want to explore controversial topics despite their personal stances, and who want to take debate as seriously as their social lives. My desire to explore diversity is also reflected in my major (Anthropology), and draws me to the Irish Studies department. I am personally looking to revive my cultural heritage, and I am also interested in helping oppressed cultures thrive. I see a need to promote how Celtic culture shaped current American society, and want to explore the gender roles of early Celtic culture.

[翻译] 我对Fordham的辩论小组感兴趣,因为它的耶稣会传统激发了思想上严格的环境。尽管我目前的团队非常熟练,但并不能实现我的知识价值。我希望那些既有个人立场又希望探讨有争议话题的同学,并希望像对待社交生活一样认真对待辩论。我对多样性的渴望也反映在我的专业(人类学)上,并吸引我进入爱尔兰研究系。我个人希望恢复我的文化遗产,我也有兴趣帮助受压迫的文化蓬勃发展。我认为有必要促进凯尔特文化如何塑造当前的美国社会,并希望探索早期凯尔特文化的性别角色。

在这里就是向学校表白,为什么学校能帮助你实现你的梦想或者目标。这是一篇迷你版的why school文章,相信你在本科申请时就已经反复练习过。


Although my time at Biola has been challenging, it has given me time to discover my own values, ethics, and priorities. I am ready to find a place where I can feel at home, and Fordham is a place where I can picture myself reading Nietzsche in my dorm room or working on progressive debate resolutions with the squad. I hope to contribute my interests and values to the Fordham tradition.

[翻译] 尽管我在比奥拉的时间充满了挑战,但它却使我有时间去发现自己的价值观,道德操守和优先事项。我已经准备好寻找一个可以让我感到宾至如归的地方,而福特汉姆则是一个我可以想象自己在宿舍里阅读尼采或与小组一起制定渐进式辩论解决方案的地方。我希望为福特汉姆的传统贡献自己的兴趣和价值。








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