
而今天我们给大家带来的是一封成功申请到耶鲁Political Science and Government专业的文书,让我们一起来看一下吧。蓝色部分是针对文章的解析,红色部分是对其他申请者的综合建议哦!)


申请院校:Yale University

申请专业:BA, Political Science and Government


Personal Statement


Looking back, I feel pretty bad for Wendy.




All she’d done was play dodgeball with me at camp-but she had talked to me (at least briefly) and had cute freckles. Based solely on this, I determined that I was uncompromising, head-over-heels in love, and that my ten-year-old soul had found its perfect match.

开头一段作者情窦初开小故事,引出了上文的Wendy。What,Where,Who and When,四个W被寥寥两句话描述的生动又有趣,从这一段就可看出作者对各类词汇的使用可谓是炉火纯青。



I decided to write her a love poem, a cascade of free-verse compliments meant to showcase the breadth and depth of my undying affection, and to show off my wit and compassion. I had just read Romeo & Juliet, so I was on a roll, churning out metaphor after grandiose metaphor about her freckles.

一见钟情后,作者则准备采取行动表达自己对Wendy的爱意,写诗。文字是作者擅长且自信的优势,这一段尤甚。第一句就可感受其文字之美,因此可联想到作者给Wendy情书的美好,招生官也会被这些文字感染,不由自主地进入作者勾勒的诗的世界。后边一句作者提到其研读Romeo & Juliet,而当时的作者只是个10岁的小男孩,侧面告诉招生官他自幼培养的文学素养。



Midway through my epistle, I decided I was going to use an expression I’d heard a few times, something classy and sophisticated, a turn of phrase that would seal the deal for sure. I thought it carried with it an incredible gravity and deep meaning; I thought it meant ‘you’re my reason for being.’As it turns out, that’s not what “you’re the bane of my existence” meant.




Since then, I’ve learned to be more cautious when using new terms-but it hasn’t tamed my desire to go to the furthest corners of the English language for the cleverest, the most effective, or the most beautiful rhetoric to suit my purposes. I take joy in using outdated slang like “swell” and “radical,” and enjoy incorporating some of my favorite gimmicks into conversation-ad-libbed alliteration is absolutely an asinine addiction of mine. Funny, rhythmic words like “derring-do” and “rumpy-pumpy” are also guilty pleasures.

写作对作者来说,逐渐成为了享受和获取愉悦的一种来源,对各种俚语(slang)和韵律词(rhythmic words)的列举,在字里行间都体现了作者对语言的热情。招生官对有此等丰富的词汇量和有趣的表达的申请者,也是不得不留下深刻的印象。



It’s great to play with words, to weld them together, to mold them into different shapes, to amuse, inspire, and even anger with just the right rhetorical twitch. Instead of writing a paper quickly and going over it several times, I like to craft and re-craft each sentence carefully, specifically, not leaving it until it feels seamless and tuneful, like a smooth melody. My pitch is far from perfect, but I enjoy the art nonetheless.

作者进一步的表述自己在文字世界里遨游和享受,并且精确表述了自己对文字的追求:直到文字像柔和的旋律一样严丝合缝并且精致动听(not leaving it until it feels seamless and tuneful, like a smooth melody)。如果只是草草叙述一个事情的开端、发展与结果,未免过于平淡,而体验和收获是对曾经发生过的事做的最好的总结。



There’s no greater thrill to me than a rhetorical crescendo, a triumphant outpouring of words that build on each other, not just nestled together but interwoven with one another, rising, flourishing, and falling. It’s the rush I feel after finishing the careful buildup and jubilantly reaching the punchline the few times I’ve done stand-up comedy, it’s the passion that animates me when I reach the rousing, fist-pounding climax of a political speech (given to either Model Congress delegates or the tiles in my shower), it’s the pleasure of experiencing that one transcendental moment while writing where the words fall into your lap without you having to search.

细细研磨此段,感受作者再一次展现其精彩的文字造诣,并且列举了和其申请的专业相关的演讲经历。这也告诉招生官优异的文学素养不仅仅使他做到妙笔生花,而且他是有能力就读自己所申请的Political Science and Government专业。



I thrive on that. I live on that. And I want to do something with it. The Arab Spring revolts weren’t won in battles but in tweets of 140 characters, and the moon landing was enabled by Kennedy’s speech as much as rockets and gadgetry. Who knows what’s next? I just want to be a part of it.


















